June 28 to July 2, 2021 - Online!
The Fourth Congress of Middle East and Muslim Studies, hosted by Aix-Marseille University, will be held remotely from the 28th of June to the 2nd of July, 2021.
The panel program is available on the congress website: https://4e-congres-gis.sciencesconf.org/ with the abstracts in French and English and the rich general program of the congress.

The Congress is free but registration is required to access the online sessions (zoom).You can register now at the following address: https://4e-congres-gis.sciencesconf.org/registration, under "registration". For those who already have an account on HAL, the identifiers and passwords are the same as those of HAL. The others must create a login and a password. The registration form is pre-filled with the name and the first name, you just have to fill in the laboratory and the establishment of belonging.
To find out whether the seminar will be held in English or French, please contact the workshop coordinator directly.