This course will be rooted in anthropological and sociological theory, whilst encouraging students to bring in literary theory through group discussions. Candidates can expect to discuss topics relevant to both ethnography and fiction such as: embodiment, perception, memory, group/collective experiences, emotion, post/decolonial perspectives, and feminist perspectives. These topics are derived from the lecturer's personal and research experience, and by the end of the class candidates should be able to add to these themes from their own experiences/work.
Learn how to combine research and storytelling. Analyse texts from an anthropological lens. The fundamental aim of the course is to encourage free, experimental, and assimilative thinking that can be incorporated into emerging academic work.
Conducted by VU Amsterdam Winter Graduate School
Course days: 9 - 20 January 2023
Attendance: online
Course level: Master's, PhD candidates and professionals from all disciplines
Credits: 2 ECTS
>>> Apply here <<<
Official Course Website (VU Amsterdam):
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out the team via e-mail.

#Anthropologists #writers/#novelists