ESR 15

General information
→ Recruited at:
Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterraneo - Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica (Spain)
→ PHD enrolled at:
Universidad de Madrid (Spain)
→ Title Dissertation:
Decontextualizing Turath Online: Ibn Hazm as the Ultimate Reformer of Islam in a Utopian al-Andalus
→ Master Degree in:
Semitic Studies (Language, Litterature, Civilisation) at Sorbonne University (France) – 2017-2018
→ Supervisor: Prof. Maribel Fierro
She is Research Professor at the Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean (CSIC – Spain) and coordinator of WP 5.
→ Co-Supervisor: Prof. Pascal Buresi
He is Research Professor (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CIHAM-UMR 5648, Lyon) and Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris). He is the main supervisor of Mohamed El-Moursi (ESR 1), coordinator of WP 6, 9 and 10 and co- coordinator of WP1.
→ External Tutor: Dr. Javier Rosón
Coordinator of the Casa Árabe-Córdoba, editor of the journal Awraq: Journal for analysis and thought on the contemporary Arab and Islamic world.
The main results expected are:
01/ Continuity and change regarding pre-modern Muslim views on al-Andalus: how do the media influence the reading of the past?
02/ Transformation of al-Andalus into a mobilising icon: how do the media used affect the contents about the past?
03/ Images associated with al-Andalus: how do political ‘Islamist’ Internet sites on al-Andalus compared with tourism websites?
04/ Modalities of the impact of the academic treatment of al-Andalus: how does academic work translate into mobilising texts?
05/ The ‘Islamist’ al-Andalus and the European al-Andalus: convergence or divergence?
Links to other projects
→ Al-Andalus history
Mohamed El-Moursi (ESR 1)
→ Autobiography/self narrativity
Lena Richter (ESR 2), Rayane Al-Rammal (ESR 3),
Hayat Douhan (ESR 10) and Zeynep Aydin (ESR 14)
→ Digital ‘Islamism'
Aleeha Zahra Ali (ESR 11)
→ Center for Near- and Middle Eastern Studies – Marburg (May 2020)
“Online fieldwork”
→ Casa Árabe – Cordoba, Madrid (June 2020, April 2022)
“Summer Intensive courses on al-Andalus (Córdoba); cultural tourism” (Madrid)
→ PS Media – Film production and consulting – Berlin (October 2021)
“Video Production on ‘Covering the past’”
Personal information
Expected results
Film: ESR 15 Mounir Saifi
We finish this week strong by presenting you the great film of our ESR Mounir Saifi. We finish this week strong by presenting you the great film of our ESR Mounir Saifi. His presentation at the MIDA 2020 summer school discusses an online article that denies the Muslim conquest of Spain around 711. Mounir tries to understand how this counter-narrative of al-Andalus, or Spain under Muslim rule, is used to claim identity space for "Self" by a female author and (a)religious minority member within the Arab world.
Enjoy his work and have a nice weekend!
#itn_mida #wisskomm #IslamAndScience #digitalage #scicomm #H2020 #MSCA #filmmaking #scienceandfilm #youngdirectors #phdandfilm #phdlife #summerschool #alandalus #muslimconquest #muslimsinspain #femaleauthor #religiousminority